Monday, 19 November 2012

Onesie at the Disney Store

Where I belong: as a minnie mouse onesie being in the Disney store is somewhat homely; especially when you have 'minnie' yous(too much?) stacked on the shelves. Its with its elegant timelessness that has our childish dreams wishing for the magic spark in Disney. At any age... and yes including you it brings something different to anyone. From the little kiddys inspired and a bit crazy imagination... to the awkward teen watching a Disney movie (whether they admit to it is a different story) and of course the wizards... the older years where Disney is still able to break a smile. Either way, whether it is the Disney store or a classic movie your never too old.

There nothing like a good bit of Disney to brighten your day. If your like me aka the onesie then you would have been literally surrounded by Disney and its totally awesome movies as a kid. So much so that when you walked into the Disney shop it brought excitement and wild - slightly extravigant dreams. But, even though everyone secretly love happy endings no matter what - after all people there is nothing like a good cliche. 

Where will onesie be next...

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